Tuesday, January 20, 2009

01.20.09 @ 1:48 AM

Well howdy kids. It’s 2009 in the year of Lord. To be more specific, Jan 20th. Sometimes past midnight. I’ve been fighting a sickness the past few days. It’s been a persistent bugger for sure. Vitamin C doses haven’t been doing it and I’ve resulted in using horrible substances such as cough syrup to ensure I can breathe.

But I stray from a topic I really wanted to dish about. It’s over. Nothing colossal happened. No zombies. No Armageddon. No Rapture. We got through eight years of George W. Bush, our glorious forty-third President of the United States. What a trip it has been. Pretzels. “Wars.” Some guy named Dick. And even an Oliver Stone film. Face it ladies and gents. It could have been worse.

While I am quite the liberal guy. No, I don’t blame “Dubya” for all the woes we are currently facing on our third rock from the sun. To do so would be out right ignorant of me. Sure, Georgie wasn’t exactly helping most of the time, but where were the rest of us? In our beer induced comas watching the latest episode of some God awful reality show.

See, I believe this is a two way street. Not some elite super high way where only the super rich and privileged are only allowed to drive. Okay, well. That exists and I know for sure I can’t get past the toll booth and sure as hell can’t get on that on ramp. But damn it, shut up for a moment. The point is, that us, the ones that use the normal roads, paths, etc, without us being there using them, there would be no elite super highway. (I did a bit of driving today. Pardon the lame metaphors.)

I guess this is just turning into some rant about how we as a people need to be aware. If we allow ourselves to zone out too much, we may end up just staring at the drive-thru speaker yelling, “GIMMIE SOME BIG ASS FRIES!”

Know, this isn’t to say that I’m an Angel. Oh Heavens, no. I’m guilty as the rest. Mostly indulging in stories in the variety of films, literature, music, or any other medium that I believe to be art. (Remember kiddies, art is subjective.) But, I try to stay aware, but that God damned Purple Haze doesn’t help.

But, I’m not only going to try and be a good ‘Merican, but an overall good individual. Because as long as the undead don’t roam the lands and the sun is still rising, I have hope. Hope that one day, Bruce Campbell will have main stream Hollywood success.

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